How to Cut Back on Soft Drink Consumption


Today, the media has flooded the public with different soft drink ads, but the increased focus on rising obesity statistics, should help some individuals cut back on their soft drink consumption.

Even though soft drinks remain a popular choice for beverage consumption today, there are steps to help a person cut back on soft drinks.

Here are some suggestions to help a person curb their soft drink consumption.

First of all, if you are used to drinking one or more soft drinks a day, try alternating sparkling mineral water, in lieu of your usual soft drink. It might be that you are accustomed to the carbonation and fizz of a soft drink, and therefore have acquired a taste for that particular beverage. While you are still getting the carbonation in sparkling mineral water, you’re not consuming the added sugar and caffeine associated with many soft drinks. This of course, with daily use, over prolonged periods of time, can contribute to added calories, possibly obesity, and other health problems. The best scenario is that gradually, you may actually prefer or become accustomed to the mineral water, as your beverage choice.

Try to incorporate more fruit juices into your diet. There are so many fruit juices available for the consumer on the market today, such as new tropical fruit blends, as well as the familiar orange, grape, apple, pear, and others. It’s recommended that you choose 100 % fruit juice, to avoid any added sugars that aren’t necessary or good for a healthy diet. Adding fruit juices to a person’s diet is an excellent way to obtain vitamins and minerals, to help maintain a healthy body.

Adding more milk to your diet is also an excellent choice for another beverage choice. Milk supplies a person with protein, vitamins, and of course, calcium for strong bones and teeth. It is true, what the classic milk commercial states, is that, “milk likes you”. If, however, you have a milk allergy, there is an alternative, such as soy milk, which also is fortified with vitamins and calcium, along with providing essential protein.

Drink more water. Drinking water may help to curb the desire for a soft drink. An increase in a person’s fluid intake may make them less likely to reach for the daily soft drinks that were part of their routine. A person’s body is about 72% water weight, which is an important fact to note, since about 2/3 of people don’t drink enough water daily to prevent some forms of dehydration.

Cut back on purchasing and keeping many, or any soft drinks on hand, at home, work, or on the go. You won’t be tempted as much to consume soft drinks if you don’t have them around. Instead keep more fruit juice, mineral water, and milk available as a beverage choice. If you’re packing a beverage to take along to the gym or any outdoor sports activity, grab a bottle of water instead of the usual sports drink.

Finally, although cutting back on soft drink consumption may be a challenge, it can be more attainable when healthier drink choices are added to your daily routine.


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